Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Sarah Arrives

This is perhaps a bit more personal than some of these postings. Sarah and I have only been separated for two months once and that was when I toyed with the idea of accepting a position at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, OR. I left Sarah and the kids for the spring semester then and taught in Portland. It was a long and lonely time for us. This period of two months in Georgia had its loneliness and it was hard at times for Sarah. We decided to have the kitchen painted in the house and the kitchen floor sanded and sealed. So Sarah had to dismantle the kitchen. If you have eaten with us, you know what a gargantuan task that was--to dismantle our kitchen.

Sarah arrived at the airport at 4:05 just as Lufthansa promised. So did her luggage. I waited for her plane studying my Georgian with a taxi driver named Zuraub, a talkative fellow. We sat and drank coffee and studied expressions from my Georgian text. It turned out to be fun. Sarah unpacked after the ride through lit up Tbilisi (it is always a blaze of lights a night). We had coffee and putzed about and then slept for a while. Then we spent the afternoon walking and seeing a bit of the city. And shopping for tonight's dinner. Tbilisi is a European city in that respect. One shops a bit everyday. It is too hard to transport food so one doesn't go to a Sam's club or big supermarket to buy groceries. I introduced Sarah to the lady who sells me veggies and fruits from her little hole in the wall. Sarah amazed me and the store clerks who spoke little English by finding capers at the Goodwill Vake (a supermarket of sorts). We had asked these clerks if they had capers and were told no. So, now it is getting late and we are going to cook dinner together for the first time in several months. I think the planet is starting to aright itself.



  1. Life's always more fun with your best friend! Enjoy your travels together.

  2. ბედნიერი that you are together!
    Please give Sarah a hug from Jesse.

  3. I'm pleased Sarah arrived and that you two can now enjoy this experience together. I imagine it is a comfort to no longer have to be separated and worried about one another. Have a good Shabbat together.
